"Miss Lori has given music lessons to all three of my children. She is an AMAZINGLY gifted teacher. I highly recommend her! 

Not only does she teach musical theory and how to read music, she also works with ear training. I found the ear training to be exceptionally beneficial for my children. 

If a child is demonstrating the necessary skills, she will recommend them to participate in competitions that allow them to play at well know venues in New York City. One of my children has played a two such locations, one of which being Carnegie Hall. " -– Marina Tu


"My children are currently enrolled in Miss Lori's classes, and it was one of the best decisions I could have made to enrich their childhood. My oldest child, Leah, is currently eight years old and has been with Miss Lori since kindergarten. Since the very first class, the spark was lit. Miss Lori grabbed her attention and her love of music took off. 

The group lessons are full of enjoyment and learning. To watch the growth of each child's ability in these classes is amazing. Now, four years later, Leah is in the advanced group-piano class and is also taking private lessons with Miss Lori. She plays classical, jazz, and popular music - the love of making music is in her. Miss Lori's classes are all encompassing. She goes over the technical aspect of learning piano, but most importantly, how to make it sound like "music.".

My son, Peter, is now in kindergarten and is taking Miss Lori's classes. The love of music is being instilled in him and I appreciate it so much. He can't wait to try out a new song on the piano. What I take out of Miss Lori's classes is that she not just teaching them to be a pianist, but to be a musician. My children will take what they have learned in these classes through the rest of their life. Most importantly, the spark has been lit and they will forever love music because of these wonderful classes by Miss Lori."  – Kathryn Trezza 


"My two kids have been coming to Miss Lori's class for 4 years, with my older child starting to take private lessons in addition to the group lessons. 

Although some may call the teaching method "unconventional," to me it felt like the natural way for a child to learn the language of music . . . by listening to the notes with their ears, clapping the beat with their hands, and feeling the rhythm with their bodies. I especially love the parent participation during the class and at home. It allows me to first become an active partner in their journey of learning, and later (unexpectedly) become a student myself. 

Words can not describe the amazement and satisfaction in my daughter's eyes when she plays the piano and feels the connection with the music from deep in her heart. To me the goal for the music lessons are to inspire my kids to discover, explore, and pursue the passion for music for the greater good.  It has been an incredible journey of self discovery and family bonding for us.

Thanks to Miss Lori and her loving commitment to teaching us how to play and love music, one kid at a time."                      The Huang family


"I currently have 3 children in the program, and have been benefitting from the program for almost 6 years. Over the years, I have watched my once very shy and easily frustrated children become more confident and happy.  My kids used to be so frightened of recitals, now they think nothing of it. 

It’s because they aren’t having a lesson at one lonely piano with a frustrated teacher who doesn’t know how to teach children. They are in a classroom surrounded by their peers who are struggling with the same pieces of music and progressing at about the same rate, because they all have to go home and practice to keep up with each other. They are being taught by someone who loves children, loves her job, and has the perfect balance of discipline and patience. 

The idea of having the parents learn along with the children so that they can aid the children at home, is sheer genius, and in my opinion, a recipe for success. My children never had an opportunity to feel uncomfortable, because I was there.  Miss Lori creates a warm nurturing environment, where the children can relax, have fun, and learn. Miss Lori has not only taught my children how to play the piano, but has instilled in them a deep appreciation and feel for music. I have watched my children turn into musicians, and it is glorious!” 

Cynthia Narang


“We found Miss Lori and the “Doors to Music” program quite by accident 4 years ago. We were interested in exposing our daughter to music and not necessarily just piano instruction. One phone conversation with Lori and one demo class a week later and we were hooked!

Lori teaches music with the piano as the instrument of choice in a group setting. Her enthusiasm and talent for teaching children shines through with every class. Though not what one would expect from a “typical” piano lesson, these classes are amazing! It is wonderful to witness the proficiency that is exhibited by all her very young students. In the group setting, it is quite obvious that the students love what they are learning and have a true pride in their advancement. Twice yearly recitals are an excellent venue for these children to receive kudos for their hard work and to showcase their amazing skills in front of an audience. Confidence levels are boosted and social skills are honed.

Honestly, the program works because of Miss Lori. Our daughter Sofia is now in the advanced level and receives both private and group lessons. We have a child that can read complex classical and popular music, play by sight & ear and often pickup another instrument and figure out how to play. Truly what we hoped for and more than we ever expected!

It’s been a fabulous time and quite the learning experience for our daughter. Not a day goes by without some time spent at the piano.

No need for reminders to practice lessons. Music is now a part of Sofia’s life and will be forever. What a great gift Lori has given our child.” – The Torgersen family


“When my daughter Olivia was four I began investigating music programs for her.  I knew I had found the right place when I talked to Lori and she said “I don’t teach children to play the piano.  I use the piano to teach children to play music.”  Her ability to plant seeds of music borders on magical.  I have observed in my own children how these seeds germinate and grow into a genuine love and understanding of music.

This program is very different from how I was taught piano. And, I have to admit, it has required a bit of trust and faith. But, when I hear Olivia play now, I am often surprised at her musical maturity. She is only ten years old and when she plays I can feel the music. She moves me to tears. Simply amazing!

When my younger two children turned four, I enrolled them as well. They too are learning and loving music through the same natural, organic process. Lori has given my children a gift of immeasurable value. I am eternally grateful." – Marina Tu


“When our son was four, he was showing an interest in music, so we brought him to Lori’s DTM class. From the first day, we could see that DTM would be perfect for him. Lori welcomes the children and provides a safe and comfortable environment for learning. Not only is she teaching our son to play the piano, she is fostering his love for music. He looks forward to attending DTM each week because the classes are fun! All of the students receive encouragement,support and are acknowledged for their achievements. It is truly remarkable to watch them grow and to hear the wonderful music that they learn to make The skills that our son is developing through DTM are invaluable, but the most precious gifts that Lori has given our son are pride in his musical accomplishments and the joy of music.” — Carolyn and Bill Kaiser


“Doors to Music is a great program, exposing very young children to all aspects of music. As you probably know, when learning music you stimulate the same area of the brain used for math. Another aspect of the program which is great is the socialization aspects involved in a group class. My son was a painfully shy kid (he did not speak to Lori for the first 2 years!) An added benefit, for me, as a Mom sitting in the classes, was reviewing music concepts and actually rekindling my interest in playing piano again. Now I take classes as well, trying to keep up with my kids!! I have to say they are far better than I ever was at that age (and even now!).” — Neiza Prado, MD


“After trying various methods including private instruction and music schools, my twins have developed faster and are happier under the guidance of Lori. Her excellent method of teaching and tremendous patience have resulted in to two young and skillful pianists. I would highly recommend Doors to Music to anyone interested in having their children learn piano.” — Tracy Grieco


“The Doors To Music program has been a phenomenal experience for our son, who began when he was four. It is the best piano instructional program out there, which encourages parent involvement in a small, structured group setting. We highly recommend it!” — The Girgis Family